{"id":67964,"date":"2023-09-16T10:40:09","date_gmt":"2023-09-16T10:40:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/likecelebwn.com\/?p=67964"},"modified":"2023-09-16T10:40:09","modified_gmt":"2023-09-16T10:40:09","slug":"games-inbox-september-sate-of-play-frustration","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/likecelebwn.com\/entertainment\/games-inbox-september-sate-of-play-frustration\/","title":{"rendered":"Games Inbox: September Sate Of Play frustration"},"content":{"rendered":"


The Friday letters page is unimpressed by the latest State of Play from Sony, as one reader worries about the third Star Wars Jedi game.<\/p>\n

To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@metro.co.uk<\/strong><\/p>\n

Nothing again<\/strong>
I know we were warned but just what is going on with Sony and their State of Plays? I don\u2019t know what the point of the one on Thursday was supposed to be but all it did for me was confirm that Sony is asleep at the wheel and just do not care about anything anymore. It\u2019s like they\u2019ve given up and yet the PlayStation 5 is still selling amazingly well. I just can\u2019t even begin to understand what they\u2019re doing and I know it\u2019s pointless asking anyone else because no one does.<\/p>\n

That game they started the State of Play with\u2026 was that some kind of joke? Why on earth would you start your pre-Christmas showcase with that? Who is running Sony\u2019s marketing department nowadays, Microsoft?<\/p>\n

What gets me is that they decided to have it on the exact same day as a Nintendo Direct which was a hundred times better and yet the Switch is in its last days, and you can see Nintendo is starting to wind things down. But they\u2019re doing it gracefully and with still a lot of cool looking games.<\/p>\n

The PlayStation 5 is right at its peak, and it\u2019s got nothing, almost completely nothing. Once Spider-Man 2 is out what then? When will we get a new first party game announced? This time next year? I just\u2026 I don\u2019t get it.

Baby, step away<\/strong>
The State Of Play sucked. But it always does. I want to make one point though. WTF is Baby Steps? It blew my mind at how it looks worse, than The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum? At least we knew what to expect from that. This looks dreadful. We didn\u2019t get Silent Hill 2 Remake. But we got that. Absolutely disgraceful.<\/p>\n

Why would Sony even give this abomination screen time and begin the event with such a terrible game? I won\u2019t be surprised when it flops, because at least, Getting Over It was a fun experience. This just looks confusing and, frankly, a waste of Bennett Foddy\u2019s talents. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Marvel\u2019s Spider-Man 2 saved the show for me.
Shahzaib Sadiq<\/strong><\/p>\n

Final year<\/strong>
I thought that was an excellent Nintendo Direct. I know a lot of the games were remasters or remakes but the Switch 2 is probably going to be out by this time next year, or close to it, so in that sense I think Nintendo had a lot more than I would have expected.<\/p>\n

Very happy to see Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, although the first Paper Mario was very good too, so I don\u2019t know why they haven\u2019t remastered that as well, since there\u2019s now going to be a gap between Super Mario RPG and the second Paper Mario.<\/p>\n

I have no idea what\u2019s going on with Princess Peach: Showtime! but personally I consider that a positive in a game. I wonder if that will end up being the last big budget original for the Switch though? It seems like it might be, although it probably depends on whether Metroid Prime 4 is cross-gen or Switch 2 only.

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.uk<\/strong><\/p>\n

Easy mode<\/strong>
I bought Final Fantasy 16 over the weekend, on a whim, and have been enjoying the story and the Game Of Throne-iness of it all. I really enjoy the history lessons you can get in-game and learning more about the world and timeline! What I can\u2019t stand are the completely pointless battles. It\u2019s way too easy! I literally just work through all of my special moves in each fight, and I\u2019m guaranteed to have killed all the enemies and taken no hits.<\/p>\n

The bosses offer a bit more of a challenge but that\u2019s just because they are so spongy.<\/p>\n

I\u2019ve been searching online to see if the game gets harder but I\u2019m just given tips such as \u2018try not using items\u2019 or \u2018don\u2019t upgrade weapons\u2019.<\/p>\n

I love the Final Fantasy series and I want to play more for the story and atmosphere but it\u2019s going to be a boredom grind of no challenge fights.

Not too big to fail<\/strong>
I don\u2019t know how I feel about the idea of Square Enix getting bought out by someone else but I\u2019ll be honest, I haven\u2019t enjoyed anything they\u2019ve done, except for Final Fantasy 7 Remake, for a very long time. I don\u2019t know if it\u2019s a buyout that\u2019s needed but something needs to be shaken up.<\/p>\n

These big companies are like oil tankers though, it takes so long for them to turnaround that there\u2019s really no way for them to get out of danger in time. I\u2019d rather Sony bought them because they\u2019re a Japanese company but even as PlayStation owner I don\u2019t want their games going exclusive, even though I know they will. It\u2019s a bad situation and Square Enix has only really got themselves to blame.

Forced out<\/strong>
I hope the exit of the Star Wars Jedi director will not prevent there from being a third game as not only have I enjoyed them both but there was a big improvement from the first to the second and I was hoping for that again with the next one.<\/p>\n

Trying to guess why he might have left though I did the maths and realised he\u2019s been at Respawn for nearly a decade and I bet he just didn\u2019t fancy and other five years of the same thing, no matter how much he might have enjoyed it at first.<\/p>\n

It reminds me of the situation with God Of War where they were going to make the reboot a trilogy but they didn\u2019t because it would\u2019ve just taken too damn long to make them. I don\u2019t know if there\u2019s anything that can ever be done to reverse the trend of games taking longer and longer to make but at this rate developers will only have time for one game before they retire!

No one home<\/strong>
I wonder if it\u2019s crossed Sony\u2019s mind to buy up No Man\u2019s Sky and make any future updates exclusive to the PlayStation 4\/5? Now that Starfield is a major hit, Sony could hop on the bandwagon and grab a pre-made space exploration sim that they could pump a million or two into, so that it could rival the Xbox behemoth.<\/p>\n

Just a thought.

GC:<\/strong> We\u2019re not sure what, if anything, has crossed Sony\u2019s mind over the last nine months or so.<\/em><\/p>\n

The last failure<\/strong>
I thought that was a great Nintendo Direct. The 40 minutes just flew by and it seemed like there was a new game every few seconds, that\u2019s how these things should be done. It was F-Zero and Donkey Kong that interested me the most though, since neither game has seen a new entry in years.<\/p>\n

I imagine that F-Zero 99 is testing the water for a new game, or at least an F-Zero GX remake. I doubt it\u2019ll do that well though. People complain about Nintendo not making a new one but the fact is none of the games sell. They\u2019re not a charity, there\u2019s no point them making games they know nobody will buy. I wish F-Zero was bigger than it is but the fact is it\u2019s not. Heck, not even WipEout was popular anywhere but Europe.<\/p>\n

Donkey Kong is obviously a different deal though. There were the rumours of a new 3D game that came to nothing but I still think it\u2019s inevitable. Nintendo has been pushing him a lot lately \u2013 he was in the Mario movie and there\u2019s two new Kongs coming to Mario Kart 8. Maybe Mario Vs. Donkey Kong is just to keep the name out there and have people look forward to more from him.<\/p>\n

We\u2019re not going to find out what\u2019s happening with either now until the Switch 2 but while I\u2019m relatively confident that Donkey Kong will be back in the limelight I think this will be the last failure for F-Zero.

Inbox also-rans<\/strong>
The State of Play is up to Helldivers 2, but I just wanted to point out that the first game was possibly the worst way to introduce a showcase. Especially after the excellent Nintendo Direct earlier. Could a game be any less funny and pace crippling as whatever it was called?

GC: <\/strong>It was called Baby Steps and you\u2019re right, that was painful.<\/em><\/p>\n

Personally I\u2019m quite enjoying Starfield and I\u2019m very glad it wasn\u2019t connected to Fallout. I\u2019ve had more than enough of that goofy retro 50s style. It got old for me a long time ago.

This week\u2019s Hot Topic<\/strong>
The subject for this weekend\u2019s Inbox was suggested by reader Onibee, who asks what new games would you like to see released for the Switch 2 in its first 12 months?<\/p>\n

Rumours about Nintendo\u2019s next console are gathering pace, with reliable sources claiming it will be roughly as powerful as a PlayStation 4 \u2013 or perhaps even more so. There has been some vague talk of new games, such as a new 3D Mario, but nothing substantial, so what would you like to see most in terms of first and third party games?<\/p>\n

Try and keep things realistic \u2013 Nintendo isn\u2019t going to release all its heavy hitters at the same time \u2013 but feel free to imagine your dream launch line-up, as long as it\u2019s also reasonably believable.<\/p>\n

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.uk<\/strong><\/p>\n

The small print<\/strong>
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers\u2019 letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.<\/em><\/p>\n

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader\u2019s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.<\/em><\/p>\n

You can also leave your comments below and don\u2019t forget to follow us on Twitter.<\/em><\/p>\n

Source: Read Full Article<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

The Friday letters page is unimpressed by the latest State of Play from Sony, as one reader worries about the third Star Wars Jedi game. To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@metro.co.uk Nothing againI know we were warned but just what is going on with Sony and their State of Plays? I don\u2019t […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":67963,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[3],"tags":[],"yoast_head":"\nGames Inbox: September Sate Of Play frustration - Like celeb WN<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/likecelebwn.com\/entertainment\/games-inbox-september-sate-of-play-frustration\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Games Inbox: September Sate Of Play frustration - Like celeb WN\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"The Friday letters page is unimpressed by the latest State of Play from Sony, as one reader worries about the third Star Wars Jedi game. 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